The pilot plant is OPEN to VISIT. Don’t miss out!
With most of the tests completed, there is lots to show and tell about the project. And the best to learn it all is to visit the pilot plant!
As the end of the project approaches, also does the transportation of the plant to its final site in Delfzijl, Netherlands. But before that, we want to make the most of the time while the plant remains in Abengoa’s testing facilities in Seville, Spain. So why not schedule a trip to enjoy the southern Mediterranean heat as winter approaches? Get in touch with us through the official mail info@grasshopperproject.eu or by our contact form here. If travelling is not possible for you at the moment, we invite you to participate in our webinar for virtual visit of the plant. We haven’t decided on a final date for it yet so make sure to keep checking our web for updates.
Both companies and institutions have already enjoyed the visit to the pilot plant . Including DSOs, Oil&Gas, universities… any interested parties are more than welcomed. Want to take a look? See the pictures below!
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Periodic Consortium Meeting, Seville 2020
Like every 6 months, and as the construction of the pilot plant continues, the periodic consortium meeting took place. This time in Abengoa’s HQ in Seville in February 2020 from the 25th to the 27th. After reviewing the status of the project, the meeting was especially packed with lots of technical details and 1-on-1 discussions between the partners. Since the testing phase approaches, there were many details to go through together. And there is no better opportunity than a presential meeting. Some of the key aspects were the Grasshopper stacks development and the pilot plant construction. We also continued exploring the market applications for the resulting product. A process that started back at our consortium meeting in Duisburg last year.
This time the chosen location was Seville, Abengoa’s Headquarters, where the construction of the pilot plant was taking place. Not only to enjoy the much warmer winter weather of southern Spain but also to give the whole consortium an in-detail visit of the plant. We spent a good couple of hours in the workshop, inspecting and sharing details about the pilot plant and previous experiences. The construction will finish in the upcoming months. And finally, the testing period will commence!

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